Each month Holy Cross has a dress down day. The money raised from these days go towards different community service agencies or charitable organizations as well as community needs. Some of the agencies include: Development and Peace, Habitat for Humanity United Way, The Mount Community housing project, and Wells of Hope.
Annual Terry Fox Campaign
Holy Cross demonstrated focused energy, enthusiasm and a lot of hard work in our effort to help those who are battling cancer. In September 2017, we raised over $13,000 for this important cause.
Speakers Forum & Coffee House
Our school hosts Speakers Forums as well as Coffee Houses with all monies raised going to the Good Samaritan Fund at our School Board.
Youth Emergency Shelter
Through dress down days, Holy Cross financially supports the Youth Emergency Shelter of Peterborough, which provides emergency housing to youth who need a safe, warm place to stay - sometimes for a few days, sometimes for several weeks.
United Way Campaign
Each year Holy Cross students and staff participate in the Board-wide United Way campaign. Monies raised through staff donations, fundraising activities and dress down days is used to supports the work of 34 human and social service agencies delivering quality services and programs to every corner of the City and County of Peterborough.
Food for Kids Breakfast Program
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and provides students with the energy that they need to fuel their growing minds and bodies. However, many students miss the opportunity for breakfast and snacks for different reasons. Students who are provided with nutritious, safe food have reported improved attendance rates, enhanced school performance, better health, decreased behavioural problems, and increased attention span among their peers. Each year, Holy Cross raises funds through donations and dress down days for the Food for Kids program.