
Holy Cross has a strong school spirit. Students participate in many aspects of school life, and share a sense of community. We have a reputation of being an outstanding school with events and activities that allow students to shine and reveal their strengths and talents.


School assemblies bring students and staff today to celebrate successes and discuss important school issues. Below is a schedule of our next assemblies:


Dances occur four to five times a year. We host a dance for Grade nine students, and additional dances to celebrate Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and one in the spring. As part of our school's Code of Conduct, students are expected to:

Students are not permitted to attend a dance if they were not present in school on the day of the dance. Students under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be subject to charges by the police and parents/guardians will be contacted. Students under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be suspended from school and will lose dance privileges for one calendar year. This also applies to the graduation, prom and dances at other secondary schools.


Students are encouraged to become involved in the planning of their year-end formal. This year's prom will be held on May 29, 2020.

Formals are zero tolerance events. No alcohol or drugs may be consumed or used, regardless of a student's age.



Students and their parents might consider getting and signing a Call Me Contract, sponsored by Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving (OSAID), available at the Health Unit.

We hope these reminders will assist in everyone having a safe and enjoyable senior formal.

For additional information on our school's events and activities, visit our Calendar.